It seems that whenever I look at my blogs, they don't show the right points value, or the right number of replies. Has anyone else been having this problem? I don't think it's my computer, I just checked at work, and it's the same way. Anyone know of any mistakes on their own blogs?
It's been almost a year since I started blogging on JU. I love the points system and the recent articles and recent forum posts sections. They make it a lot easier to find good bloggers to read. Lately, even though our view points differ dramatically, I've been reading Myrrander's work, simply because he writes well, and brings up the other side that I sometimes may not want to hear, but need to hear. I think my worst problem with the blogging system presented by these two utilities is th...
Sometimes, blogging, and especially the blogging community is just like a potluck dinner. You've got political activists -- the meat and tatters guys on the right wing and the fau grois and spinach salad coming from the left, with libertarians bringing a little mix of everything... but mostly brownies. Poets --- Being one of the aforementioned, we're probably bringing in boxed chicken as personal expression, or some half-sweet cheesecake. Maybe both! Life Bloggers --- Potato cassarol...
Dearest JoeUser Member, We're happy to announce that you have reached 100 articles written. For most bloggers, 100 articles is an impossible figure because they do not spend the time to think up and write good articles. Your literary prowess has surpassed all expectations, and has added tremendously to the community. You have stuck it out through think and thin comments, and kept at it when points were tight. We applaud your efforts to create a blog site that has true meaning and depth, an...
If I were to say something really catchy in the line up above me here, I could really get a bunch of replies. Of course if I wrote in all capitals GOD SHALL SMITE YOU IF YOU DON'T TURN CHRISTIAN!!!!!! Then I might get a lot of people to come and hate at me. If I put the "." in the title, I might get 20 replies... but if I use "~", I'm sure to get none. If I put the words Sex Abortion, Government, Terry Shiavo, and Bush in the same Title, I could get quite a few liberals and republica...
This is a thought that has occurred within me a couple of times, as Zoo recently celebrated his 100th article, and Capt. Cornbread just wrote his 150th the other day. I'm wondering, honestly, does that number make it an important article? Because some 100th and 200th and 25th articles stink on ice. I mean honestly... really look at them. They suck. (Not Brandon or Shaun, by the way, but some 100th, 25th, ect. articles really stink!) This will be my *gasp* *shock-and-awe* 90th article. Big ...
It seems, to me, that things have been going rather badly here at JU. This has not been a unique trend, as the community over at DeviantArt took a big hit with the forced removal of one of the site's cofounders, Scott Jarkoff. But, that story is neither here, nor now, and I'll get to it in another article. JoeUser, when I first arrived, was ideal. A small but continually expanding base of people wrote, replied, and created blogs that were of interest to the general populace, and were well ...
Looks like the points are acting hinky again. Plus, my reply count is off. Anyone else having these problems? (earlier today I couldn't access my blog, so maybe it's just me)