or, I Reply to Draginol's Blog
So, I’m back again. Not that it’s like I was gone for but two days, but hey, I’m not a quitter, and secondly, when I heard about Draginol’s little blog about “Blogging for the wrong reasons” I felt like I should have some bit of a reply.
Let me first say that I enjoy JoeUser. Let it also be known that the automated system helps me get readers, which I appreciate. Let me also say that I find it even more encouraging when someone replies to my blogs, gives feedback. That kind of thing makes my day. I never intended to blog for other people. True, the main reason I started this blog was to see if I could get opinions, reactions, etc. to certain problems, issues, etc. that normal people have. However, the reason I started and the reason I sustain are different creatures. I feel now that this blog of mine is an emotional outlet for me, kind of a tap for all of my frustration, pain, hate, love, wonder, and I feel that it is good to express myself.
Draginol, you seem to have created for me a little opening to put in my own act. I know that your article was, in some way, due to either the exit article by myself, or by mignuna (Who, by the way, is a much better blogger than I.
) In my article, I feel that I expressed my leaving JoeUser for a while to collect my thoughts, get over some emotional problems, and really just reinvent my exit. This postponement of blog activity was in no way an end of what I intend to do. Don’t get so hopeful that I will just up and leave, and then say that I’m stupid (inferred from article) and writing for the wrong reasons (directly stated in article). I am neither.
“This isn't permanent, but for now I think I need to just step back and have a little more time to work on other things.”
I think, sir, that you may, may just have a selective reading problem. I know that I do, especially reading anything by Tolkien. LOL As far as I can see right now, this blog said that I was feeling bad. JU wasn’t helping since I ALREADY KNEW, again, already knew that I had a low readership, and that most people who did read my articles didn’t bother to reply. This, to me, was depressing. In the state I was in the past couple of days, a little more depression could have sent me falling over the edge. And I didn’t want that.
So I Quit. Not for long, but I quit. I did not log on to JU, I didn’t read, reply, or look at my articles. I just shut off JU for a while. I believe that I have every right to do so, since it’s my life, my computer, my internet connection, etc. Doing this showed me a few things.
1) I don’t need JU. I don’t need to blog at this site. I don’t need to blog. I am not dependent on any opinions of others, my point count, etc.
2) I had some emotional problems stemming not from JU, but emotional problems that were aggravated by JU. I feel that I have dealt with these problems in a healthy manner.
3) I may have some sort of an addiction to the internet. Not that I’m going to need internet everyday, but being connected to a vast amount of information, knowledge, statistics makes me feel powerful, as if with a click of a button I could know just about anything. Cutting myself from the computer will not make me go into seizures, but I do like to spend some time on the internet every day. I get irritated when I’m on the internet and I get disconnected by my sister, not because she disconnected me, but because I’m not on the internet anymore.
4) I realized that there are people, who unlike Draginol, care about what I do, read my articles, and generally wouldn’t like it that much if I quit blogging. Take that how you like, Brad, I really don’t care.
So, in closure, I’m not writing for the wrong reasons, I haven’t quit, I’m not upset anymore when I don’t get replies to blogs, I can live without internet, and I don’t give a damn about what Brad thinks.