Death_By_Beebles's Articles In Current Events
July 3, 2004 by Death_By_Beebles
My previous article, which can be seen here , received a relatively large amount of replies. One of these replies mentioned the moral bankruptcy of the American public, which struck an emotional chord in my soul, and I hope to explore it a little more in this article. A cry goes out in the crowd, and no one turns. People scream for help, beg and plead, cajole and wheedle, and still gain no response. “I don’t want to break you, but could I please borrow some change?” No one even fal...
July 28, 2004 by Death_By_Beebles
Fellow JU bloggers! How's it going? I'm writing this in live from the band camp that currently is hosting such JU favorites as Captain Cornbread, carebear07, and Zoologist03. Things have been kind of interesting here at Hocking Tech College. As of right now, carebear07 has been fighting over Brandon with a bunch of other band girls. It's been interesting since I'm rooming with him, and for the record, he has no comment on his current situation. The food is crappy. That's putting it ni...
July 5, 2005 by Death_By_Beebles
What a bunch of crap. It just goes to show you how the world is going these days. Oprah, getting snubbed at a Hermes store in Paris issued a complaint to the U.S. President of said company. The company actually issued an apology! The store had been closed fore 15 minutes! "I'm sorry ma'am. You're a person. Yes that's right, a person. Not a celebrity. No ma'am, we aren't letting people in after closing." Poor Oprah. She got treated like the rest of us, and she's crying bloody murder. Boo...
August 25, 2004 by Death_By_Beebles
I live on a farm. Whilst I let that sink in, I’m going to talk about my 4-H club. My 4-H club which from now on I will call “Blank”, is a smaller club that basically deals with livestock. This is my last year in 4-H, since next year I will not be able to take a steer (male neutered cow) since I will be in college at the time of the show. The adviser for blank is a nice lady who I will now refer to as Mrs. Blank. Mrs. Blank does a pretty good job, and makes sure that everything is taken c...
August 2, 2004 by Death_By_Beebles
So... I’ve heard a few things. About JU’s teen bloggers. Quite honestly, I’m hurt and upset by the fact that some of the most talented, intelligent people on JU would lump us all together and call us “not true”, as if we are the most horrible people in the world who lie about everything just to get a kick out of it. If you think about it, I don’t see why you would do this to us! We aren’t all bad! I myself am “true” in the sense that I actually am who I say I am. I don’t create senseless d...