Note: In light of recent attacks in London
Published on July 7, 2005 By Death_By_Beebles In Poetry
I didn't know you, and probably never
would have, but
you, you did what you always did.
You hopped on the bus, got on the subway,
not knowing that today would be your last day.

I feel this ache in the back of my head
It throbs with an intensity matched by
any normal situation can create.
I feel like it's time to break down,
but it's time to be strong.

I hope that when you left for work, you told
your children, "I love you."
I hope that you kissed your spouse goodbye
and that you didn't leave anything in shambles
because they're even more so right now.

I salute you, a martyr for some indefinite cause.
You didn't deserve this hell, but you got it anyway.
And even if you don't know it, even if you don't see it,
We're going to try and help pick up the broken
hearts and put them back together.
Because we know you wouldn't want them to stay broken forever.

You were brave and ordinary. You spent your lives
trying to attain the greater goal, and learn
about yourselves the best way you knew how.
You were people, lost to a tragic world, and
let me tell you,
your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Dio esté con usted.
God be with you.

on Jul 07, 2005
That was beautiful, Beebs. You've made me cry again!

Suz xxx
on Jul 07, 2005
That was beautiful, Beebs. You've made me cry again!

Thank you. I'm sorry that this has happened, and I wish there was something in my power that I could do to help now. I will pray for you, and for all the people hurt by this attack. That is the least I can do.
on Jul 07, 2005

Thanks for reading, LW.

on Jul 08, 2005
Just normal people going to work, maybe shopping, maybe going to see someone they love....and just like that they're gone. It makes you think, makes you wonder about how petty your arguments with others are and when they are gone you can't apologize...that's it.

on Jul 09, 2005
makes you wonder about how petty your arguments with others are and when they are gone you can't apologize...that's it.

It makes all the little things you do seem foolish, in the grand scope of things. Arguments and fights don't really mean that much if you loose that person. And how would you feel, knowing that the last thing you said to them before they died was something hurtful?
on Jul 09, 2005
each and every day my wife and I upon departing from one another make sure the last thing we both hear, is the other one say I love You, followed by a kiss. everytime could be the last time.

nice tribute.
on Jul 09, 2005
each and every day my wife and I upon departing from one another make sure the last thing we both hear, is the other one say I love You, followed by a kiss. everytime could be the last time.nice tribute.

Thank you. I think that what you do is the best thing that can be done. Because, who knows what day will be your last?