Every action, a reaction. Every attack, a rebuttal, or a retreat. Each day, a night.
Every time someone acts, a direct result comes from that action. However, multiple side reactions occur as well. These side consequences are sometimes even more important than the direct consequence of the action. Not only do they build up over time, side consequences can have unfortunate side effects for a plethora of people.
If I still have your attention, then you are more patient than I thought. Or, maybe you figure you’ll indulge me, just to see where this whole thing leads. Either way, keep reading. I’m hoping it’ll get better.
To go along with this thought of side consequences, also realize that every time you make an action, you effectively affect the lives of the people closest to you. In fact, you change their entire futures with side consequences. Now, these changes may not be large in scale. Most are insignificant. However, some of these changes, after building up, can completely change the future of a certain person.
For example: You take a friend to an event that has plenty of vendors and the like. You take something, and he takes something because he is now encouraged by your not getting caught. Now for you, that might be the last time you steal. But since your friend didn’t get caught, it opened a whole array of new futures for him, futures where he steals a lot, futures where he doesn’t steal anything, futures where he gets caught and goes to court, futures where he becomes a serial thief, etc. These futures have been opened to him because you made an action.
Your actions have consequences, seen and unforseen. Something as simple as you singing a song at the right place at the right time, can get you an audition for a play, where a talent scout finds you and makes you into a voice actor for animation projects. While most of the consequences of your action aren’t as dramatic as this example, they are more important than we give them credit.
A good example that would hit home with the JU crowd would be the Ashlee Ryder incident. Thanks to her, teen bloggers are less likely to be trusted, some of the AC crowd has trouble with some adult bloggers because they were associated with Ashlee. These are just some of the side consequences of her lying.
Continued soon...