or, lots of strange people eating pumpkin themed fried food....
So I'm sure that at least some of the people who blog here have heard about the Circleville Pumpkin Festival/Show.
It is the 6th largest festival in the world, and "The Greatest Free Show on Earth!" which is often spouted by loving Circlvilians.
Let me tell you right now. Pumpkin show is hell.
Circleville is close to where I live. In fact, one might say that I go there frequently to purchase food, CDs, go to Wal-Mart, ect. When Pumpkin show comes in, so do the 5 dollar parking rates. It costs 5 dollars to park anywhere, even on the side of the road! Greatest Free Show ever my ass! Well, it is free, as long as you park a mile away and walk in.Another handy piece of info about cars is that you can tell if someone is from Circleville if they don't ever ever ever EVER use turn signals! I've almost gotten into accidents because Joe Blow Circlvillian decided he was in to big of a rush to use turn signals.
Tonight our band marches the show, starting at 8:30 or 8:00. I'm not sure exactly.
I can just smell the pumpkin donuts.