Or, a progress report... Whatever.
Commanding respect from a dangerous felon,
gives strange a new meaning, I know that it’s hell on,
This plane and I’d do anything
that I can - - -
to know, to feel, to live life once again.
Powerful songs are sung by the masses,
my mind moves slower than... *blink*
But how can I get up, and get out, into the unknown
when all I’ve been doing is siting on my ass?
Hey yall! Haven’t posted in a while, so I figured I’d bring up latest developments of highlights that I think are great to post. Maybe this should be a humor blog.
I’m now officially the sponsor of the Captain Cornbread Love Help Line. So, if any of you want to profess your undying love to the good Captain, give me a call at (EDITED)-(EDITED)-(EDITED ON PURPOSE THE FIRST TIME, BEEBES, YOU’RE A MORON). So, back to story. I’m getting calls now from girls that “love” Capt, and I’m frankly getting sick of it. You know what, if you want to work out problems you have with him, call HIM, not ME!!!!
Next topic....
Lunch! Now, I’m sure all of you love to eat Pizza Burgers at 10:30 in the morning, but let me tell you.... That Pizza Burger stuff tastes like feces! (Not that I would know what feces would taste like, but if I did know, I’m guessing they’d taste pretty similar). And, and! Girl A who calls for love advice while I’m getting all my nerd stuff together to go have some fun comes over with her friends and sits down beside me. Now my girlfriend has a problem with one of those said friends, so if I want to spend any time with her at lunch, I have to move tables. Fun fun.
Boy’s soccer team got shut out tonight, 5-0. Go soccer!
Bought a season pass so I could watch you lose all your home games! 
Finished my first independent art project. If anyone could give me a good site to host pics at, I’d love to take a piccy, and post it on the blog... so many others seem to like the smilies....
Got DVD 2 and 3 of RahXephon (Raa-Zeh-fawn), through media mail today, and watched DVD 2. Good stuff, good stuff.
And in other news: Sister accuses innocent brother of cutting of her cat’s whiskers, hurricanes in Florida, and my cows like to crap in their water tanks!