Published on December 7, 2006 By Death_By_Beebles In Poetry
The synapses fire
shock upon shock
lines keep on buzzing
to make the gears click,
to see the cogs turn
to open the pathways
for word to fly through
and reach hand and paper
to reach out to you.

The cranks are all whizzing
the gears are all clicking
but nothing gets out
the poet despairs
and calls to his loved ones
and asks them for gifts of
words that are new
asks them for peace
for something, anything that's true.

Inspiration comes calling
at inopportune hours,
to sing sweet melody
and capture the mind
but song swiftly caught
is most easily forgot
the poet will lose track
moaning, crying, pleading,
"Poem, song, beautiful thing
come back, come back, come back!"

on Dec 07, 2006
Oooh...clever you. Writing about not being able to write in bitchin' poem form, eh? Good idea...and it came out very nicely.

I have some writer's block....but all my creativity is ending up in these damn papers I have to write before winter break. I had to make up an animal, Al, like in freaking elementary and write about it. How stupid is that?...2 page paper. *sigh* Now I have to "map out" my semester in a few pages for English....bleh. I hate finals and all that goes with them.

You done with yours yet? Everyone else seems to be, but I'm stuck here 'til next week.

on Dec 07, 2006
Finals were the week before Thanksgiving. I'm in week 2 of winter quarter now.

I don't get out of school until the 20th of Dec. Yay for quarters!
on Dec 07, 2006
I don't get out of school until the 20th of Dec. Yay for quarters! semesters here...I get out the 15th,(well, 14th, but officially the 15th) so don't feel too bad. That...and my first day was Aug. 19th or close to it...bleh. I do get out in mid May, that's pretty sweet.

on Dec 07, 2006
Al, you better be at home before 6 pm on the 20th, THAT'S OUR CHRISTMAS CONCERT!!! It'd be aweful nice of you to go and listen to your only little lonely sister....
Not to lay a guilt-trip or anything.
Oh and the poem was nicely put, by the way. But you already knew that.