Published on July 10, 2006 By Death_By_Beebles In Poetry
We are so far away
yet so very close inside,
and when you say "I love you"
I know the world is mine
for just one second you have brought me
the greatest gift, that you could ever give
and I know that in my weakness
with you, through you, I can live
this pride it falls away,
and everything is cast behind
and when I say, "I love you"
nothing can keep you from my mind
I feel like I am breathing
through empty straws and soundless words
but when I see you smiling
I know that my heart is heard
these words will never be enough
to tell you what you really are
and when it is the evening
I wish I could be your shining star
We are one step away,
one heartbeat, one distance here,
one beautiful "I love you"
is all I need to know you're near.

Loosly inspried by Josh Groban's "When You Say You Love Me". Mostly inspired by young love and a beautiful girl.

on Jul 10, 2006
We are. Something about that we part...
I love you.
on Jul 21, 2006 cute. Al, you ladies man you.
